Making the Hang

One of my favorite parts of being a Jazz musician is that hanging out is part of the job description. Whether you are in the band or just coming to see the show, hanging out and socializing with working musicians is crucial to your success. Jazz is a social music that depends on relationships and it is very important to create and foster relationships with as many musicians as you can. Everyone is on a different rung of the ladder and most importantly, everyone who has “made it” started out somewhere on this ladder so never feel that you are not “good enough” to hang.

What makes Jazz so special is that, for the most part, this music takes place in smaller venues where the audience actually stands a good chance of meeting the musicians. Considering the fact that seeing live music these days can be very expensive, in order to make the most of your investment you NEED to meet members of the band. For the upcoming jazz student, this can be incredibly valuable. This can be where you first meet your idols, and if you are smart and consistent in seeing these people, you can start the process of recognition and possibly friendship. Its not magic. You don’t make friends through a once every three month encounter. In a future article I will go into some of the Dos and Don’ts of networking but for now just let this concept soak in – You have to meet and know working musicians if you want to become a working musician.


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